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7 Chakra Gemstone Earrings

7 Chakra Gemstone Earrings

السعر المبدئي $31.18 USD
السعر المبدئي سعر البيع $31.18 USD
خصم مباع
شامل الضريبة. يحسب الشحن عند الدفع.

"Harmonize Your Energy with our 7 Chakra Gemstone Earrings!"

Balance and Healing: Our 7 Chakra Gemstone Earrings are meticulously crafted with seven powerful gemstones, each corresponding to a different chakra in the body: amethyst, lapis lazuli, turquoise, green aventurine, citrine, red jasper, and garnet. These earrings are designed to harmonize and align your chakras, promoting balance, healing, and positive energy flow throughout your entire being.

Chakra Alignment: Each gemstone in these earrings resonates with a specific chakra, helping to clear any blockages and restore energy flow. From the Crown Chakra to the Root Chakra, these earrings work to balance and activate each energy center, fostering a sense of well-being and inner harmony.

Enhanced Vitality: By wearing our Chakra Earrings, you'll experience a renewed sense of vitality and vitality. The vibrant colors and powerful energies of the gemstones infuse your aura with positivity and vitality, empowering you to embrace life with confidence and enthusiasm.


  • Material: Genuine gemstones including amethyst, lapis lazuli, turquoise, green aventurine, citrine, red jasper, and garnet
  • Dimensions: Each earring is approximately 1/7" wide, with a length of 1"
  • Closure: Hypoallergenic ear hooks for comfortable wear

How to Use:

  • Daily Wear: Incorporate these Chakra Earrings into your daily wardrobe to benefit from their healing properties all day long. Simply wear them as you would any other earrings, allowing their energies to align and balance your chakras as you go about your day.
  • Meditation Aid: Enhance your meditation practice by wearing these earrings during your sessions. As you focus on each gemstone and its corresponding chakra, visualize energy flowing freely through your body, bringing harmony and healing to your entire being.
  • Intention Setting: Before wearing your Chakra Earrings, set an intention for the energy you wish to cultivate. Whether it's peace, balance, or abundance, infuse your earrings with your desired intention and allow them to amplify your intentions throughout the day.

Embrace the Power of Chakra Healing: Elevate your energy and elevate your style with our 7 Chakra Gemstone Earrings. Add them to your collection today and embark on a journey of balance, healing, and positive transformation! ✨🌈


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